Outsider - Galeria António Lopes, Covilhã, Portugal

The Outsider project began as a form of recording and absorbing the experience of living abroad. The series of graphic representations bring a particular view of the distant, with impressions formed by an outsider's gaze, someone who observes and tries to touch into the spirit of an determinate place. On this case, it sums up the experience of living as a international student in the portuguese city of Covilhã, and the wonderings of an artist when the liberty of exploring is granted. 

The results of this graphical recording show a particular trajectory that do not create an exact portrait of the place, but rather a portrait that sums the space, the people and the random events under the filtering look of a single individual. One cannot map the reason for each event or subject choice, the high points pictured here can say something about the location, but even more about the explorer himself. 

In july 2023, the exhibition held at Galeria António Lopes was set up and divided into three moments, three parts that discuss specific themes and follows a growing logic of proximity. Starting from initial impressions to deeper understandings. 

The initial pieces developed with Indian ink represents the first impression. The immediate registration of light and shadow under a landscape are done with a minimum of halftones, as a initial opening of the eyes, when little detail of the environment is perceived. 

Following the first impressions, comes more intimate and detailed representations of places and people reached along the way. This section is built through records on sketchbook pages, a tool that allows recording in loco, while the affections and the specific details catched by the inconscious mind are present.

Finally, all the content absorbed along the exploration takes the form of imaginative oil paintings. Paintings that do not show one specific moment, but rather the overral impression of themes matured through experience. Sometimes unrealistic images unlike the previous segments, the representations at the third part are the ultimate result of exploration processes and digressions about what was found.

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